January 31, 2012

Tortellini Soup with Spinach

Chicken noodle soup may be the default meal when you’re sick, but I think I like this pasta soup better. It not only includes cheese and spinach, but if you include the red pepper flakes it has a bit of a kick as well. Perfect for clearing up those clogged sinuses!

Normally soup would make perfect sense for the end of January - cold dreary weather demands comfort food. Except that it was 65 degrees today. I ate lunch outside on the patio this afternoon. Seriously, I'm calling this the Year without Winter, and for a snowlover that is pretty devastating. So in defiance of the weather, I'm eating soup anyway. Haha wea-THOR (aka the God of Weather), I'm going to eat warm and comforting soup even if I'm wearing shorts (which is deeply disturbing)

I hope you enjoy!

Tortellini Soup with Spinach

This is another recipe that isn’t done any favors by reheating. The tortellini will try to absorb all the broth if you let it sit in the refrigerator, so you are best served by making it in small batches (like the recipe provides) and eating it freshly made.

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup broth
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup frozen tortellini
1 cup fresh spinach
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
salt and pepper as desired

Small pot

Heat olive oil in small pot over medium high heat. Add minced garlic and sauté a minute until golden (don’t let the garlic burn, it only takes a minute!). Add the broth and water and cook until it boils. Add the frozen tortellini and cook according to direction on the package. Add the spinach and red pepper flakes and cook for a minute or until spinach is wilted. Enjoy!

Serves 1
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