January 26, 2012

Chicken Stir-fry with Mushrooms, Onions, and Broccoli

There are 12 billion chicken stir-fry recipes on the internet – so clearly the world needs 12 billion and 1. I constantly like to experiment with stir-fries; while I generally know what I want in my stir-fry, I tend to try new combinations in the marinades each time in hopes of finally finding the perfect one. I don’t know what I’ll do the day I finally find the magic marinade, probably keel over in a bowl of soy sauce from shock, but in the mean time I’m having a blast trying many many tasty experiments.

This one was initially described as an “Easy Kung Pao” recipe, which I didn’t really taste in the sauce. It didn’t have the same kick or flavoring that I tend to associate with one of my favorite take-out items which made me a bit upset. It was only by renaming it and ignoring the rest of the directions that I was happy with the end results. So I hope you enjoy this remixed recipe!

Spicy Chicken Stir-fry with Mushrooms, Onions, and Broccoli
Marinade From MmmingCook 

I used chicken thighs in this recipe though the original called for chicken breast. I like both equally myself, but if you aren’t a fan go back to the original chicken breast. Thighs are usually about half the price of breasts in my area, so in dishes where the meat isn’t the star I try to substitute to keep costs down.


For the marinade 
5 tbsp soy sauce 
1 ½ tbsp fresh ginger (or 1/2 tsp ground ginger) 
1 tsp brown sugar 
1 tsp cornstarch 
1 tsp cayenne pepper
3 garlic cloves, minced 
1 pound chicken thighs, cut into one-inch cubes 

Stir- Fry 
1 large onion, thinly sliced 
1 broccoli crown, blanced and cut into florets
1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced
½ cup of peanuts
Vegetable oil, for frying 


Large pan, medium pot

Combine the ingredients for the marinade very well and pour into a big airtight container or zip-loc bag. Add the chicken and refrigerate. You’ll want to marinate the chicken at least a hour, but will keep up to four days in the fridge. If you’re ready to eat immediately and planning on serving with rice, start cooking your rice after the meat is finished marinating. Blanch your broccoli and set aside.

Add vegetable oil to large pot and add the chicken (do not throw away the sauce! You’ll need it in a moment). Cook over medium-high heat until chicken has lost its pink color and remove from pan. Add more oil to the pan and add the onion, mushrooms, and broccoli. Cook until the veggies softened and onion is translucent. Return chicken to the pan and add the sauce.  Cook until everything is warmed throughout and enjoy!

Serves 4

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