November 25, 2011

Spinach with Shallots, Almonds, and Feta with Poached Egg

I tend to like savory and sweet breakfasts equally well; while pancakes are divine, give me a bowl of pad-thai or spinach for breakfast and I’ll be pretty happy. After an attempt at my first dinner party meal of Stuffed Chicken Breast, I wondered how the filling would taste with a poached egg on top.

In short, awesome.

As you know, I loved poached eggs. My approach to cooking new foods tends to stem from a recipe or ingredient that I like and moving on from there. This doesn’t always work out (peanut butter and yogurt anyone?), but as I’ve realized which tastes I like together, I’m finding fewer big misses. This recipe will make Popeye jealous with the amount of iron it pumps into you.

 Spinach with Shallots, Almonds, and Feta with Poached Egg


1 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1 shallot, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 cup chicken stock
6 ounces baby spinach
2 ounces feta, crumbled
2 eggs, poached
Salt and pepper to taste

1 large pan, 1 small pan with lid

Set a large pan to medium heat, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, and add 1/4 cup almonds when warm. Cook until they turn golden, watching them closely to ensure they don’t burn. Add shallots and garlic and cook an additional 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, spinach, lemon juice, and thyme and cook until spinach wilts. Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat, drain any remaining liquid, and add the feta.

Spilt filing equally between two bowls.

At the same time, make a 2 poached eggs. Top each bowl with poached egg and enjoy!

Serves 2.

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