August 26, 2011

Peach Lingonberry Jam Crepes

Lingonberry jam is amazing. It’s most commonly used in Scandinavian cuisine and not often seen in the US (the only time I can remember seeing it on a menu was at Ann Sathers – a Swedish restaurant in Chicago), but everyone should run out and try it. They taste similar to cranberries and have a wonderful tart taste. But where can you find such magical jam? I’ve reliably found it in two places – Whole Foods and IKEA.

Also my mother sends me jars when she finds it because she loves me. A lot.

Lingonberry jam is served with a wide variety of Swedish foods (meatballs, beef stew, mashed potatoes, oatmeal) but my favorite use is with pancakes. This recipe plays with that combination, making a thinner crepe in place of the thick, traditional Swedish pancake, and adding peaches to play with the tartness of the jam.

Peach and Lingonberry Jam Crepes

This recipe can be used with any fruit, but lingonberry jam tends to be tart so think carefully how much tartness you enjoy before reaching for that nectarine or plum. Ripeness is key for these crepes, otherwise you might have a more firm bite than you’d otherwise want.

If you aren’t sure of the ripeness of your peaches or you’d really like to use plums/nectarines/apples, you could slice the fruit and sauté them in a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of honey for about 10 minutes.


1 tablespoon butter, melted and cooled slightly
1/4 cup milk
1 large eggs

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

One pinches of salt

1 tablespoons honey

3 tbs Lingonberry Jam
1 ripe peach

Blender/immersion blender/whisk, small pan

Combine all the crepe ingredients and blend. I have an immersion blender, so I stuck all the ingredients in a bowl and used that, but a regular blender or a whisk with a strong arm with also work. You could probably get away with using a hand mixer as well. Cover with saran wrap and refrigerate batter for at least an hour and up to a day.

While (impatiently) waiting for batter to finish refrigerating, start preparing your crepe filling. Pit the peach and then slice it in half, slice each half into thirds. Set fruit aside to use once the crepes have been made.

Butter a small pan and heat until butter is brown. Pour 1/4 cup butter into the pan, angling the pan to ensure a thin layer of batter covers the entire surface. Let it cook undisturbed for about 2 minutes, the bottom should be gold and no more bubbles should be rising. Flip and cook for another 5 to 10 seconds. Move crepe to a separate plate and cover with a paper towel. Repeat until you’ve used up the remaining batter.

Spread a tablespoon of jam to each crepe and add peach slices. I added between three and four to each crepe. You’ll have leftover peaches, but that seems more like a bonus than anything else.

Serves 1 (recipe makes 3 crepes, but can easily be scaled up)
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