August 24, 2011

Lazy Woman's Nectarine Cobbler

Sometimes you really want cobbler, but don't feel like cutting up a whole bunch of fruit. Or maybe you only have one nectarine and don't want to walk to the grocery store in 100+ weather to get more. Whatever your reason, this is a great recipe for a quick and dirty cobbler that you don't have to share with anyone (unless you want to).

Lazy Woman's Nectarine Cobbler
Adapted from Joy the Baker

You can make this cobbler with any stone fruit you have on hand - Joy, for example, used peaches and I'm sure plums would be delicious as well. I choose nectarines because I had them on hand and because they just taste like summer to me.


1 ripe nectarine, pitted and cut in half
1/3 cup flour
2 tbs butter, melted
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs brown sugar

dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger or your favorite spice (in my case – all of them as well as a dash of chili powder just to see what happens)
1 tbs chopped nuts – walnuts or almonds will probably be best
1 tbs shredded coconut

Baking container, aluminum foil

Pre-heat the oven to 350 F.

Cut the nectarine in half and pit it. Place in a foil lined baking dish cut side up.

Melt the butter and mix with the flour, sugars, and spices and nuts (if using) until incorporated. Spoon crumble mixture into the nectarines. Depending on the size of the nectarine you’re using, it might look like the mixture won’t fit. That’s a lie – just keep heaping the mixture on top of the fruit until it’s gone. Alternatively, if you’re worried, stuff the fruit until it looks good and eat the remainder of the crumble (not that I’ve done this…). Pat the crumble filling down with a fork to ensure it gets into every last cranny of the fruit.

Bake for 15-20 minutes and enjoy!

Serves: Me
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