September 7, 2012


Surprise - I'm alive! And blogging again.

Whoops. That was a long three months. Sorry for completely falling off the map there. What was I doing?

Let's answer that completely made-up question with a good old fashion "what did I do on my summer vacation" essay. But with Instagram! Because all the cool kids are doing it. And I am nothing if not a lemming when it comes to internet trends.

So you might think my three month hiatus from blogging was due to being overwhelmed by awesome summer weather in DC. I mean look how pretty it looks in this picture:

But what you can't tell is that DC in the summer is evil. PURE EVIL. It's hot. It's humid. And there are only two ways to beat the heat when you have no car and air conditioning is expensive: the pool and milkshakes. Lots and lots of milkshakes.

See? Key to happiness right there. A pool and a milkshake. Extra points if you grab the milkshake to make the walk back to your apartment to get to the pool. That's expert level DC-living. 

But I promise that wasn't why I didn't update for 3 months. There was also this little event:

Olympics! Who doesn't live the quadrennial clash of cultures in sports we only care about when we win them. But seriously - watching Gabby Douglas grab gold in the all-around, watching Michael Phelps become the most decorated Olympian in history, and watching the U.S. - Canada women's soccer game (and the U.S -Japan gold medal match wasn't shabby either) was amazing. I like many Washingtonians was an avid reader of the Guardian's liveblog of events.

There was also this tragic event:

Just when you thought those nightmares from "Jurassic Park" were gone. My bad. At least it wasn't velociraptors? In any case, I survived this tragic T-Rex attack with minimal scarring (reality check: this skull is on display at the National Zoo, which I visited when my friend Amber came to visit).

Obviously this attack got me right in the blogging arm, so once again I was forced to post-pone my planned return to blogging.

But then this happened:

Family vacation is just too much fun to take time away from to write blog posts. There's too much hiking, biking, water slide riding, lazy river tubing, swimming, laughing, and "So You Think You Can Dance" watching to worry about writing up recipes. 

But now I'm back! And with copious free time! So be on the look out - new recipes should be posted here started next week. And this time there shouldn't be any three month gaps between blog posts.

... At least not without fair warning.
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