April 3, 2012

Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes

I lucked out in the roommate department. We were watching figure skating one Saturday afternoon and I really wanted a funfetti cupcake for some reason. No matter that I’d never had one or had made chocolate chip muffins earlier in the day, I needed a cupcake. Immediately.

But if I made cupcakes, I’d end up wanting to eat them all. I needed a comrade in arms, something to help me weather the storm of sugar about to descend into our tiny apartment. So I turned to her and asked if I made cupcakes, would she help me out with them?

This is why my roommate is awesome – she just looked at me.

Right, stupid question. Who says no to a homemade funfetti cupcake?

Twenty minutes later these were out of the oven and waiting to be frosted. Luckily we have some Betty Crocker in the fridge (again, awesome roommate!) but feel free to make your own if you’d rather. Just make sure to top with sprinkles, otherwise all that effort was wasted.

Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes
From HowSweetEats 

Feel free to reduce the sugar in this by half if you don’t want the typical “my teeth are melting from the sweetness” of normal funfetti cupcakes. I personally don’t mind that feeling from time to time, but your mileage may vary.

1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 whole eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cups cake flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons cup milk
3 tablespoons assorted brightly colored sprinkles + more for top of frosting

Mixing bowl, hand mixer

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Cream butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla and beat until combined.

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Add half of the dry ingredients, mixing until just combined. Add the milk. Once mixed, add remaining dry ingredients. Fold in assorted sprinkles.

Pour into cupcake tins and fill 2/3 of the way full. Bake for 18-20 minutes. Let cool, then frost.

Makes 6 cupcakes
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  1. I would like this for my birthday, please. I love funfetti. It's embarrassing.

    1. It's not embarrassing at all! My friend Trey asked for a funfetti cake for his 27th birthday (though I cheated and used a box mix since that was clearly the flavor he wanted and I didn't have enough egg whites at home).

      These are pretty easy - you can probably make them yourself if you wanted ;D
