May 15, 2012

Faux Ice Cream

I am a huge ice-cream fan. When I was a child, it was the first treat I had once I was gone from the careful watch of my parents (thanks grandparents!). In college, more than one meal was a pint of Chubby Hubby from Ben & Jerry’s.

But sometimes you want to eat ice-cream without dealing with all of it’s lovely additives – sugar, cream, oh my! It’s not the healthiest of treats, sadly. Nor is it very kind to those with lactose problems (not me, but several of my friends and one family member. They get sad when faced with such delicious dairy treats like ice cream or macaroni and cheese).

I’ve talked about the joys of frozen bananas before and how creamy they can make a smoothie. Incredibly, this trick works perfectly well when it’s just a banana; it blends into a thick, creamy mix that tastes incredibly similar to frozen yogurt or slightly melted ice cream. Since you all know that I’m a fan of the chocolate-peanut butter, it’ll be no surprise to see what I did with my frozen banana – added cocoa powder and topped with peanut butter!

 Faux Ice Cream

1 frozen banana cut into 1-inch segments
1-2 tablespoons water or milk

1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon crunchy peanut butter, melted

Very strong blender or food processor

Place banana in food processor or blender with milk or water and blend until smooth and creamy. If making a chocolate flavor, add the cocoa powder before blending. This should take about a minute or two. 

Serve in a bowl, topped with melted peanut butter or other any other topping you prefer.
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  1. We made this a couple of months ago! It was good, if a little bit dense and VERY banana-y But, it felt healthier than Ben and Jerry's (which we'd been eating a lot of at that point). I think I might try this recipe again, but cut it with a little frozen yogurt. Possibly unhealthier, but the banana base was just too much for me.

    1. Yeah, it's super dense. You can always add more milk? I'm not sure frozen yogurt will actually cut it all that much unless you just want to reduce the banana taste or not.

    2. Maybe more milk is the solution. I definitely want to bring down the banana taste...maybe a combo of both? Maybe more peanut butter? What am I saying...that is ALWAYS the solution!
