April 25, 2012

Spinach and Leek Quiche

When I started this recipe I was worried I’d lost my cooking mojo; two days ago I burned a batch of box-mix muffins (I know, I know. Box mix? Let’s just say I was broke and short on time and move on). Four days ago I burnt my finger when I forgot where the edge of the oven mitt was on a hot cookie sheet. Last weekend I burnt my thumb when I had a brain fart and picked up a ramekin I had just pulled from the oven with my bare fingers.

And this morning I tried making pie crust by hand. It looked horrible. It wasn’t binding together and there was basically a big pile of flour sitting on my counter. I decided to simply gather it together, wrap it in saran warp (big hurdle. You all know I lack the saran wrap mastery gene), and chuck it in the fridge in the vain hope that it would magically turn into pie crust in an hour if I didn’t look at it.

Long story short, it didn’t. However, I’d already invested a stick of butter into it, so I added a bit more water and mushed it all together and hoped for the best. I added some flour and got to rolling. Miracle of miracles, it actually came together and looked like a pie crust.

So I topped it with some spinach and chopped leeks and made this tasty quiche. You should make it too. And maybe consider buying a pre-made pie crust if you aren’t feeling ambitious or like cleaning your kitchen counters four times.

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April 17, 2012

Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Muffins

I made these over Superbowl Weekend. Because when everyone else is talking about chicken wings and nachos, I want peanut butter and chocolate. To be fair though, I want peanut butter and chocolate all the time. In any case I thought they would be a good compromise between breakfast and dessert.

In that I would eat one for breakfast on the Saturday I made them and then serve them as dessert on Sunday when I watched the Superbowl. Yup, I’m crafty that way.

I know I've said I don't really like it when super sweet things are called "muffins" when they are clearly cakes, so you might be surprised I'm calling these muffins in spite of the cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and peanut butter. Honestly, I debated over it for a while. But despite everything these aren't particularly sweet except for the bites with the peanut butter.

We clearly need a word for things that straddle the muffin-cupcake divide. Mufcake? Cupfin? Those both sound disgusting. I'll get back to you.

In any case, I'm sorry I've kept these from you for so long. I think a part of my brain was afraid that if I shared the recipe there would be no more for me. It's a strange place, my brain. It likes to hoard delicious delicious recipes. 

Though once you eat one of these suckers, I think you'll begin to understand. Hope you enjoy!
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April 5, 2012

Huevos Rancheros

This isn’t a traditional way of making or each huevos rancheros; for truth in advertising , I probably should have titled these “Fried Eggs with Yummy Stuff Underneath” but that doesn’t seem nearly as neat. Or enticing.

In any case, below is my usual recipe when I attempt to make huevos rancheros. I’ve seen other recipes that call for cooking the egg on the tortilla, but that never seems to work well for me. Either I burn the tortilla or break the yolk mid-way through cooking or some other tragedy befall what should be a delicious dish and my breakfast is much less happy.

So I wanted to share my method. It still only uses one pan (hooray for easy clean-up) but cooks each part in components to help get you to a happy, fully assembled and un-burnt breakfast. Or lunch if it’s been a lazy weekend morning.
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April 3, 2012

Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes

I lucked out in the roommate department. We were watching figure skating one Saturday afternoon and I really wanted a funfetti cupcake for some reason. No matter that I’d never had one or had made chocolate chip muffins earlier in the day, I needed a cupcake. Immediately.

But if I made cupcakes, I’d end up wanting to eat them all. I needed a comrade in arms, something to help me weather the storm of sugar about to descend into our tiny apartment. So I turned to her and asked if I made cupcakes, would she help me out with them?

This is why my roommate is awesome – she just looked at me.

Right, stupid question. Who says no to a homemade funfetti cupcake?

Twenty minutes later these were out of the oven and waiting to be frosted. Luckily we have some Betty Crocker in the fridge (again, awesome roommate!) but feel free to make your own if you’d rather. Just make sure to top with sprinkles, otherwise all that effort was wasted.

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