March 21, 2012

Asian Glazed Chicken Breasts

To be completely honest, the only reason I initially tried this recipe is because I was out of peanut butter. Which meant I couldn’t try a new peanut chicken recipe I’d found. Still, I had all the other ingredients and thought this looked worth a try.

It’s awesome! It’s amazing how thick the glaze can get when cooked properly and the taste is great. I'm not kidding - I ended up kind of burning the glaze and still ate it. Part of that was sheer stubbornness (chicken is expensive!) but most of it was that it tasted really really good despite my cooking misadventure. Plus, doesn’t it look amazing?

Asian Glazed Chicken Breasts
Slightly adapted from Skinny Taste 

The recipe initially calls for drumsticks but I didn’t have any on hand. I don’t think there was a noticeable different in taste, but feel free to sub in two drumsticks for a chicken breast if you’d prefer.

2 medium chicken breasts
olive oil spray
1/2 cup water
1/2 tbsp Sriracha
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce
2 teaspoons brown sugar
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp ginger, grated
2 green onions, chopped

Large saucepan

Spray a large saucepan with some spray oil and brown chicken on high for about 3-4 minutes. Add water, balsamic, soy sauce, sugar, garlic, ginger, and sriracha and cook on high until liquid comes to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for about 20 minutes.

Remove the lid and bring heat back to high, allowing sauce to reduce down, about 8-10 minutes. Don’t do what I did and walk away. This is a path towards over-reducing and a burned bubbling goo of a glaze in your pan. Make sure you turn chicken occasionally while reducing sauce.

Transfer chicken to plates and pour extra glaze on top. Top with green onions and serve

Serve with rice, steamed broccoli, or other vegetables on the side (I have slice carrots and cucumbers in the picture – great for soaking up the additional glaze!)

Serves 2

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  1. you were OUT OF PEANUT BUTTER?!


    1. I've learned my lesson and now always keep a backup jar PLUS some powdered PB on hand. It was a sad sad night.

      I may eat too much peanut butter...

  2. That chicken is NOT burned. It has a smoky flavor.
