February 28, 2012

How to: Freeze Bananas

You may think this is the stupidest post in blog history. It’s possible you’re right, but it’s also possible you’ve spent a long fifteen minutes getting freezer burn while trying to peel a frozen solid banana. This post is for the second group of people.

The first group? Those who never heard “Oh, just freeze your ripe bananas and use them for baking later” and promptly stuck the entire fruit, skin and all, into the freezer then looked on with dread when you wanted to use it? You guys can move right along. I’ll see you soon!

How to Freeze Bananas

Frozen bananas are great blended – they get thick and creamy, almost like ice cream. I’ve eaten them on their own, topped with a bit of granola, and also stuck them into smoothies to add even more fruit and make them creamy.

Bananas (as needed)

Kitchen knife, freezer safe container

Peel the banana and slice into equal segments – about an inch each. Place each segment into the freezer safe container and freeze! 
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  1. Right now, as I type, there are two bananas sitting in our freezer. We put them in a plastic bag (skin and all) when they started to turn brown and now they are black, frozen solid, and I look on them with woe.

    If only I'd read this tutorial 6 months ago when I stupidly froze them like an idiot!

  2. I really appreciate that I'm not the only one who made this mistake. I mean seriously! People say "put the banana in the freezer" it's not like they specify to take the banana out of its peel first (though that quickly become apparently only when it's too late).

    Wear gloves, you can still use those bananas!

  3. I just bought some bananas this week for smoothies and I peeled and cut up a couple to freeze. I felt like a champion for using your how-to!

    Also - I couldn't find the black skin-still-on bananas in the freezer...I may have thrown them out in a fit of rage and just blacked out and forgot about it. Ah well. They are replaced with normally frozen bananas! Winning!

  4. Victory!! You are totally winning now.
