October 12, 2011

Moosewood Cornbread

My first roommate during graduate school had never eaten corn bread. Cue me fainting when I heard the news. Seriously? Cornbread is one step below chocolate in proof that someone up there loves us. You can smother it in butter, you can dunk it into soup or chili, you can eat it with jam. It's amazing food and having a basic cornbread recipe in your back pocket is always handy.

One day I plan to experiment with the different varieties I know exist. I've seen recipes for cornbread with cheese inside it, with aleppo - you name it, I've seen it. However, I keep coming back to this one because it doesn't let me down; it's quick, it's easy, and it tastes good. The holy trifecta of recipes. I think you'll enjoy this one. I recently ate it with roasted eggplant soup (recipe coming soon) and it was perfect smothered in chili.  

Moosewood Cornbread
From Mollie Katzen (Not sure from which book, but try this one)

This is our family's default cornbread recipe. It's a bit dry, but that can be addressed easily. Either add an additional 1/4 cup buttermilk or add butter to the final product. I think it's obvious which one is my favorite. Hint: butter makes everything taste better.

1/4 cup honey
1 cup low fat buttermilk
1 egg
1 cup yellow corn meal
1 cup white flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted

8” square pan

Preheat oven to 425 and grease pan well.

In a large bowl mix all the dry ingredients together. In a separate bowl, beat the honey, buttermilk, and egg together. Mix the dry and wet ingredients and stir until just mixed. Add the melted butter and pour into the 8” square pan.

Bake for 20 minutes.

For a double recipe use a 9 x 13 pan, double all ingredients, and increase baking time 10 to 20 minutes at 350.

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